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What is Fatty Liver, its causes, symptoms and Treatment

What is Fatty liver


Our liver is the second largest organ in the body, which works by extracting nutrients from the diet and fluids you are consuming and removing harmful substances from the bloodstream. However, some people get fatty liver problems, which causes the liver to stop functioning properly. When severe, this problem is also called hepatic steatosis, in which liver damage occurs due to excessive fat accumulation and inflammation in the liver. Untreated fatty liver problems can also lead to liver failure later.



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What can be the type of fatty liver disease?



Fatty liver disease can be mainly of the following types. like-


Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a problem when fat in your liver begins to accumulate without a history of alcohol consumption and it causes inflammation in the liver.


The history of alcohol consumption in alcoholic fatty liver disease (AFLD) causes the liver to accumulate fat and cause liver inflammation.



In addition, a rare type of liver disease is acute fatty liver of pregnancy (AFLP). Which usually happens during the third trimester and the real reason behind it is not yet known. When left untreated it poses a threat to the health of the mother and the baby.


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What are the symptoms of fatty liver?



Due to this liver disease, a person has to face the following symptoms. like-


  • Increased insulin levels in the body
  • Mild pain or feeling full in the middle of the abdomen or on the side of the straight hand
  • Increased liver enzyme levels
  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Triglyceride levels rise
  • Vomiting or nausea
  • Yellowing of eyes or skin
  • Loss of appetite
  • Stomach ache
  • Palms turn red
  • Large veins under the skin


Keep in mind that it is not necessary that everyone has the same or all symptoms. In addition, people may show symptoms other than those described above, which are not described here. If you have any doubt or question about the symptoms associated with fatty liver, then discuss it with your doctor.


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What causes fatty liver?



The following reasons may be due to fatty liver.


If you have insulin resistance in your body and high blood sugar levels in the body, then you may have a complaint of fat accumulation in the liver with type-2 diabetes.


If you are consuming too much of refined carbs, it can increase the process of fat stores in the liver. There is a greater risk in individuals affected by overweight and insulin resistance.


Excessive alcohol consumption


If you have a normal body weight and are very fat around your stomach, you may still have fatty liver.


Obesity involves low-grade inflammation, which can increase the process of fat stores in the liver. It is estimated that 30 to 90 percent of obese adults suffer from non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).


You may also have non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) due to problems with gut bacteria.


Also, consuming sugary liquids such as soda or energy drinks can cause you the problem of this disease. Because, the fructose present in them increases the fat freezing process in the liver of adults and children.


Apart from these reasons, chronic viral hepatitis, age and malnutrition can also cause fatty liver.





The Diagnosis


What test does fatty liver detect?


To detect fatty liver, the doctor can take the help of the following tests in addition to your medical history and physical examination, such as pressing on the liver on the abdomen, etc. like-


Blood enzyme levels are tested in your body with the help of blood tests. The increased level is a sign of inflammation in the liver, due to which there is an increased risk of liver disease and the doctor may suggest other tests related to fatty liver.


With the help of ultrasound, CT scan, MRI test, a photo-examination of the liver can be done. In addition, Vibration-controlled transient elastography can also be performed to detect liver stiffness.



Liver biopsy can be done to check the severity of any liver disease. In this, the doctor removes a tissue of your liver for examination.



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Control and caution





How to control fatty liver?


The following methods can be adopted to control fatty liver. like-


If you are overweight, control your weight.

Fatty liver usually occurs due to the consumption of alcohol. Therefore, you should stop taking it to control fatty liver.

Exercise regularly at least 30 minutes daily.

Control the level of blood sugar in the body.

Eat a balanced and nutritious diet. Which includes fruits, green vegetables, pulses, legumes etc. and reduce the intake of sweets, rice, bread etc.



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How is fatty liver treated?

There is currently no authentic medicine available to treat fatty liver. However, it can be identified at the beginning and controlled or corrected with the help of lifestyle changes. Subsequently, if this problem later turns into cirrhosis or liver failure, then liver transplant remains the only option.



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